New creative minds join the MASSIVart team! Part 1

Our talented team is growing! To mark the occasion, we want to welcome the newcomers by introducing them. We start with Terry Randy Awashish, Graphic Designer, and Philippe Labrie, Creative Coordinator.


Welcome, Terry!

As part of an exciting partnership between the McCord Museum and CBC for the exhibition “First Nation Voices Today: Knowledge, Trauma, Resilience“, MASSIVart is collaborating with them to conceptualize and produce a space that presents content related to the main theme of this new permanent exhibition.

Terry Randy Awashish - Graphic Designer MASSIVart

It was important to both CBC and MASSIVart to involve people from First Nations communities in the project.

So we are pleased to welcome Terry Randy Awashish, Atikamekw from Opitciwan, who will visually imagine the different contents of the exhibition. Terry is a multidisciplinary artist and graphic designer, and his work has been exhibited at many events in Montreal. His creative projects reflect the meeting of ancestral and contemporary territories in a perpetual process of renegotiation and recontextualization of language and culture.

Why did you choose to work in the field of art and culture?

The field of arts is one of the ways to transmit and communicate our vision of the world. I am involved in this field in order to share and affirm my culture and my Atikamekw Nehirowisiw identity. This is why I chose to work in the field of arts and culture. I find that we can create spaces for meetings and exchanges to bring cultures together.

What kind of art do you like?

I am very interested in performance art because of its live, real and direct aspects. It creates an encounter with the spectators and has the power to involve them in the process, as a kind of invitation and deconstruction of the barriers that divide us. Performance art also has the characteristic of converging with other types of art such as visual arts, media arts, sculptures, architecture, etc. and that is what I like about this process. Basically, I have a lot of interest in everything that is creative, like dance, film, music and all the visual elements and objects that surround us. I find that we all have a creative relationship to our space.

We also welcome Meky Ottawa, Atikamekw from Manawan, who will be involved in the scenography and artistic direction of the project.

The MASSIVart team is excited with this professional and cultural exchange, which is essential to ensure the proper integration of the message CBC wants to communicate.



Welcome, Philippe!

Our creative team continues to expand with the arrival of Philippe Labrie, who is a recent university graduate. His academic career in the multimedia field led him to major in Communication, Interactive Media Creation at the UQÀM media school in Montreal. As an interactive designer, he is passionate about the world of new media and human connections. His background in technological mediation, which is influenced by the spheres of design and media art, makes him a versatile creative force.

Philippe Labrie

Why did you choose to work in the field of art and culture?

The decision was made through events and encounters that led me there step by step. My passion for the arts was formed by my passion for the artists and creators whose works crossed my path. That’s what led me to work in this area – because this field inspires us, makes us think, can upset us and bring us together. Working in art and culture has now become a conscious choice, a decision to have a role to play in awakening and inspiring new voices.

What kind of art do you like?

I have always been attracted to illumination art because of its duality between its immateriality and its impact on our physical perception. I like the universality and accessibility of light and its colours in art since it represents a common language to me. A means of visual communication shared and understood by all. Whether in projection or in sculpture, the immersive character of light diffusion allows us to shade our perception and our sensitivity to a space in order to be transported. I like the luminous arts because in my opinion, they represent what’s closest to a dream.


Son sur formes & dégradés - Philippe Labrie

Son sur formes & dégradés – Philippe Labrie


We also want to acknowledge our wonderful interns, both past and present, who are also crucial members to the team!


Stay tuned for more new team members’ announcements as MASSIVart continues to grow during this exciting time.