KPMG Montreal’s South Shore
An innovative, creative and progressive work environment through art curation
Workspace Design - Workspace Enhancement
In 2020, KPMG opened new offices on the South Shore of Montreal. To attract young, driven and ambitious employees, the world leader in finance wanted to offer an innovative and creative work environment.
To meet this objective, MASSIVart started by working closely with Lemay‘s architects to provide a benchmark of the most innovative office design ideas from around the world. We then continued by suggesting a series of artistic integrations to elevate the new space and position it as the blueprint for the next generation of corporate offices.
The challenge was to develop an artistic direction for the selection of works that reflected KPMG’s district brand. When adding new additions to their art collection, the client wanted to honour working with emerging Quebec artists.
MASSIVart worked with a selection of artists and galleries to commission 14 artworks in a variety of mediums including photography, painting, video, and print. The selection was made in close collaboration with KPMG, and afterwards, we coordinated the various phases of the artwork acquisitions that were eventually installed.
We commissioned the first digital works of the KPMG collection which are three art videos by graphic artist Alex McLeod. They are highlighted right from the reception desk thanks to the integration of nine screens creating one giant screen. It has proved to be an invigorating way to brighten up the arrivals of employees and visitors.
On the photography side, artists François Ollivier, Erwin Olaf and Gab Bois were selected to bring their own beautiful visions of everyday things. Additionally, Adad Hannah created the painting that embellishes a small meeting room. Finally, Sabrina Ratté and Nathan Levasseur have magnified the common spaces through their digital works that have been printed as a way to make them permanent in the space.
Thanks to a carefully selected selection of works, this unique part of KPMG’s collection will impress all visitors to the new location.
Alex McLeod - Gemboller, 2017 / Brick Mountain, 2018 / Canyon, 2017
Adad Hannah - Untitled (The Cathedral from below), 2019
François Ollivier - MIL, 2019 / A Bright Interval, 2016
Erwin Olaf - The Successor
Gab Bois - Make or Break, 2017 / .png, 2019 / I take my sugar white with one coffee, 2019 / fresh phone who dis, 2019
Sabrina Ratté - Undream, 2018
Nathan Levasseur - Nothing’s Lost Forever, 2019 / Seesaw, 2019