Toronto Downtown West BIA x MASSIVart
Highlighting the District’s Incredible Collection of Public Art
Digital project coordination
Wondering how to take advantage of an outstanding public art collection and make it engaging?
MASSIVart has recently joined forces with the Toronto Downtown West BIA to help raise awareness and promote the many public artworks in the neighbourhood.
The growth of the Toronto Downtown West BIA has resulted in an impressive collection of public art, featuring over 70 unique art installations in the district. This collection of works was curated as part of ArtWalk, creating walking tours in the community with the aim of raising awareness of these works.
ArtWalk is both an online virtual tour and a self-guided walking tour featuring interactive maps of themed routes that incorporate photographs, artist descriptions, fun facts and engaging questions for art lovers and newcomers to the art world.
The platform allows you to search for your favourite artwork, discover nearby attractions and architecture, or choose one of three featured tours: Colour, Steel, or Women Artists. It presents the perfect opportunity for community members to experience their neighborhood in an entirely new way while visiting their favourite shops along the route.
As passionate believers of the positive impact that public art can bring to communities, MASSIVart is delighted to play an integral role in bringing the virtual experience to life. By writing carefully crafted descriptions about the art pieces and artists, MASSIVart utilized an informative approach to help all ages appreciate and learn about art, and foster discussions and engagement among members of the community.
Adad Hannah - YARD STONES
Douglas Coupland - SUPERIOR
Sir Anish Kapoor - MOUNTAIN
Vong Phaophanit - DREAM HOUSE
Zhang Huan - RISING