City of Montreal - Public Art
Twenty-one summertime public art installations revitalize city districts while encouraging economic recovery
Creative Placemaking - Production
As part of the City of Montreal‘s Economic Recovery Plan, two separate calls for projects for both local artists and the creative industry, were created with the aim of animating public spaces through arts and digital creativity, throughout the 2021 summer season.
In addition to stimulating local commerce, the challenge was to ensure these playful art installations would promote neighbourhood connection and appeal to a variety of ages while respecting outdoor gathering restrictions.
The result: a series of diverse artworks and artistic installations displayed in parks, streets, and near commercial avenues, allowing citizens to discover several artistic disciplines, including photography, sculpture and digital art. A total of 21 public art installations were displayed around various Montreal boroughs, which will remain until the fall.
MASSIVart had the pleasure of collaborating with numerous Montreal artists and creative firms to bring this exciting initiative to light. Given those working in the cultural sector were strongly affected during the pandemic, it was essential to help local artists with this project. We determined what artworks would best fit which district, ensuring each project is presented in the best light while prioritizing public safety.
With the large selection of sculptures, photographs, interactive installations, and digital journeys, residents and tourists will certainly find something they are drawn to. The initiative not only re-connects residents to their neighbourhoods, it also promotes locals to discover their city through a new lens. In addition to bringing joy back to city-goers and enhancing the city’s attraction, the artworks have spurred economic development, offering the ideal return to a new normal.
Special thank you to our collaborators: Vivre Saint-Michel en Santé, Omar Gammaoui, Michel Huneault, Toxique Trotoire, Ayden Matlabi, Miss Me, Hub Studio, Virginie Brunelle, Géraldine Laurendeau, Lex Studio, Mehdi Bahmad, Frances Adair Mckenzie, Carlos Gomez, Tahna Gomez, Alejandro Figueroa de Amor, Production Acemedia, La boîte interactive, Perséides studio, OTTOMATA, TROUBLEMAKER, ART SOUTERRAIN, MACHINE DA, MAPP MTL, and Mtrenka Productions.
Nous sommes l’héritage, 2016-2017-2018 (Aydin Matlabi et Miss Me, The Artful Vandal)
1000 Visages, 2021 (Alejandro Figueroa de +AMOR)
Bleu des rêves, 2020 (Tanha Gomes)
Dansaville, 2021 (MAPP_MTL)
DUO, 2020 (HUB Studio et Virginie Brunelle)
Rhapsody in Elles, 2021 (Troublemakers, Fabienne Lucet)
Hors Zone, 2021 (Chantre Studio)
La Sentinelle - une oeuvre in bocca al Lupo, 2021 (La boîte interactive, HUB Studio et Orchestre symphonique de Montréal)
H.E.N.N.A., Lay, Sukkar et Rien, 2019-2021 (Mehdi Bahmad)
Dévires, 2021 (HUB Studio, Lily Pinsonneault et Maude Veilleux)
Alice, 2021 (Un et un font mille et Perséides studio)